# DGCServerVerifier ## what is it? This web server takes a post request on ``/api/green`` with a json object as body. Verifies if the data are correct: * Downloads the last rules released on https://get.dgc.gov.it/v1/dgc/settings * Downloads the valid keys on https://get.dgc.gov.it/v1/dgc/signercertificate/status and https://get.dgc.gov.it/v1/dgc/signercertificate/update. * Verifies that the certificate is correctly encoded, as per standard. * Verifies signature on the certificate is still valid as the day of the request. * Verifies that DGC provided is still valid as today using the setting in the first point. ## how does it work? To perform a request to the endpoint, preferably behind a reverse proxy in HTTPS, you should build a JSON object with this structure: {key:'HC1:6BFOXN%TS3DHPVO13J /G-/2YRVA.Q/R8VRU2FC1J9M$DI9C3K9$:L44HRJPC%OQHIZC4.OI1RM8ZA.A5:S9MKN4NN3F85QNCY0O%0VZ001HOC9JU0D0HT0HB2PL/IB*09B9LW4T*8+DC9I0%YB/VM$*SBAKYE9*FJ7ID$0HY84Q:GY3LV2LW 2C0IO$571IL+9J2P6%24.8P+5E/HW.CV2L%3L%*8PHN6D7LLK*2HG%89UV-0LZ 2ZJJ %C4IJZJJBY43%8 C1VHLEC78G1TFHM*K2ILS-O:S9UZ4+FJE 4Y3LO78L:P...ecc'} The string is the raw value read from a QR code reader app. ## what does it return? When the request is complete, the server returns a JSON object with this structure: { "signature": { "valid": true }, "valid": { "valid": true, "message": "Certificate is valid" }, "info": { "identity": { "fnt": "ROSSI", "fn": "ROSSI", "gnt": "MARIO", "gn": "MARIO" }, "dob": "1973-06-22" } } ## third party copyright notice This software uses the library [DCC Utils](https://github.com/ministero-salute/dcc-utils) written by ministero-salute